Friday, July 16, 2010

Days 4& 5

Oh no... I forgot to post yesterday. Oh well... yesterday was fine...

Today was more interesting. Went in to GW for my 1st weigh-in... I lost THIRTEEN POUNDS! Crazy! In 5 days! Pretty cool. The only thing is I did NOT want to know my weight.... and I saw it... ugh. It's pretty bad. I've gained, no exaggeration, 100 pounds since we got married 7 years ago. AAGH. So now I want to/should/have to/would love to/am motivated to lose 100 lbs. Wow, that number is HUGE. So we'll see. One pound at a time. I have to say that seeing how much I weighed was a major reality check for me... maybe one I needed. And now I can graph my weight on my phone applications.... pretty cool... hey, it's the small stuff.

Also got some more kinda scary news from Dr. F, who I'm beginning to really like (and not just b/c he started this program 30 years ago). Last week I had some blood work and it seems that I have an "elevated increased c reactive protein"... of course, I had no clue what that meant. Dr. F explained that it measures if you are at risk of going into cardiac arrest (aka - having a heart attack). Your number should be 1 or 2... numbers between 3 - 10 show an elevation... numbers above 10 mean, in Dr. F's words, "something else is going on". My number is 16.6... OMG. Dr. F said it may be b/c of my uterine fibroid, my severe anemia or from just being so overweight. He seems confident that the number will go down after I lose weight. Dr. Google (haha) also mentioned that weight can cause elevations... mine being "moderately elevated". I'm TRYING not to panic about this now.... and just to continue to lose weight. I also want to start exercising... SLOWLY.... walking, swimming, etc. Just moving.

I also went to my first "group" at GW on stress management and loved it (of course). The psychiatrist who led it, Dr. B, was awesome. I want to go back tomorrow for more groups. Too bad it's just a schlep to get to GW!

Last note... I told my SIL about the program and she was really cool and supportive. Love her!

Today's "ranking".... 8. =) Feeling Better!

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