Monday, July 26, 2010


i felt crummy all day today.

actually it started around 11 when i took my slew of vitamins: mutlivitamin, potassium pill, vitamin D pill (all part of the program) and my iron supplement... i ate a yogurt immediately after taking them. 20 minutes later, i was ill. sooooo nauseus!!! for hours!!! needless to say, i did not take my iron supplement again tonight, even though i should. i'm going to buy the more expensive iron supplements, sl.ow fe, since they are easier on the stomach. let's hope so.

oh, did i mention that i barely slept last night and then A woke me up at 6:10.... and i couldn't get back to sleep? and i was too nauseous to nap... well, i was finally able to take a little nap but not long enough.....woke up all groggy and headache-y and have been since then.

and hungry. i've been quite hungry today. and yesterday. especially at night. as a result, i ate 5 proteins last night and tonight (instead of the 3-4 that i should have). ugh. i hope i still lose weight this week! if i feel better tomorrow, i am going to the gym. the good news is i found some work-out clothes that fit. granted, i don't look like a fitness model in them (haha), but at least they fit. i'm thinking of walking sloooowly at first since it's literally been years since i've even walked (since A was probably 1). i think a little exercise is better than none and it's a start.

going to watch some tv to hopefully chill out a bit. feel like i'm PMS-ing... certainly sounds that way, doesn't it?

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