Thursday, November 4, 2010

still here...

wow, i have been a blog slacker yet again! so many times i want to post but don't have the energy or i'm in a rush or some other excuse. =)

here's what's new...

- it'll be 4 months on the program in one week. wow. dr. f wants me to continue the modified fasting diet (program a) for another month, though, which i'm totally fine. i plan to take thanksgiving meal off, though - not to binge but to eat with family.

- i had an awesome loss last week - 6.2 pounds - but only .8 oz. this week. not sure if it's b/c i started my period today (i' - holy cramp-oli!) or b/c i usually ate extra bars and/or yogurts this week (pms will do that to you) but i'm hoping i'll lose more next week. i'm only .8 oz. away from 70 which i'm looking forward to hitting!

-- my mom was in the ER last night for severe dizziness/vomiting. I.WAS.TERRIFIED beyond words. thank G-d it seems to be benign vertigo (dizziness) with an unknown cause (something to do with her ear?!?) and her CT scan and other tests were fine. i'm doing my best to trust the doctor that it is, indeed, benign. last night was awful - i was really petrified and i'm still a little shaken up from it. when i got home last night, feeling relieved (since the doctor said she should be fine) i was STARVING and wanted to BINGE out of relief. it is my natural soother, so to speak. but i had an extra yogurt instead and eventually calmed down (well, 2 hours later, went to bed at 3:30!). huge sigh. i love my mom more than words can express so it is just so awful to think that something could happen to her. anyway...

-- that's about it for now. will try to update again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your weight loss! Awesome!

    And I'm glad your mom is ok.
