Thursday, November 11, 2010

4 months ago...

wow. 4 months today i weighed exactly 73 pounds more than i do now.

incredible. absolutely amazing.

i am so beyond thankful that i found my program when i did, i really believe it has been a literal lifesaver in every way. i have found myself again. i am slowly (well, not that slowly) but surely peeling off the "fat suit" that i was stuck in for 3 years. i'm at my lowest weight in 4.5 years. loving it! still have a long way to go (ideally, i would like to lose 50 more pounds) but i am feeling sooo much better (except for the anemia - i still am anemic - sigh. the rest of my lab work from last week came back fine.)

other things in my life... not so great... mainly marital issues that are too complex to get into here. let's just say that losing weight doesn't change/fix everything (except i feel much better/healthier/attractive so that has to count for something, right?!?).

anyway, overall i'm definitely excited and feeling in control. it's a GREAT feeling!!!

for the newest "after" picture, look to the right... personally, i don't see any difference from the -60 pound photo - actually, i think i look BETTER in the -60 pound picture... but whatever. today was veteran's day (thank you, vets!) so i'm sporting the red, white & blue (didn't change yet from work)! i won't be able to wear that skirt again... it was literally hanging off of me. the shirt was too big, too. i'm so excited to fit into clothes, though, that i'm reluctant to buy/wear smaller sizes!


  1. I'm always thinking of you. And if you want to blow off some marital steam, you know where to find me. Lord knows I've been through enough.

    I love that smile you're wearing, I think it's the best thing ever. :-)

  2. You're looking GREAT girl!!! Love the pic! :)
