Thursday, October 7, 2010

status quo

Due to my PMS (which led to a relatively severe salt craving which led to the honey roasted peanuts that my husband has promised never to buy again) and my "overeating" of about 300 calories a day (of yogurts & protein bars), I maintained my weight this week. Of course it's disappointing not to have lost weight but at least I didn't gain.

Now I'm back on plan, 100% for the 2nd day now. And, to be honest, it kinda sucks. It's just hard to be borderline hungry/hungry I've been "holding off eating" as long as I can most of the day and chewing a lot of gum. Hopefully the cravings/hunger will go away soon. it really can be distracting. All I have left today on my program is a protein shake but I really want a yogurt, too. Sigh. I need to stay on, though so I'll deal. Will probably just have some more pickles. As my friend, Christy, says - I'll probably never be able to eat a pickle again after this program!!! 1 month left on Plan A...

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