Tuesday, October 5, 2010

*overdue* week-in-review

sorry for the lack of posts this week... busy, tired, busy, tired... guess the usual...

i had raging PMS until yesterday morning when "aunt flo" came. i usually don't get too many pms symptoms but i REALLY had it this time... migraines, irritability, fatigue (esp. on saturday night) and HARD-CORE CRAVINGS. wow! i was really getting worried that i wouldn't be able to do "plan A" any longer due to the cravings... then i realized it was probably pms and was hoping that's all it was. i had a FEW extra yogurts/protein bars AND a whole bunch of honey-roasted nuts (which is my husband really shouldn't be buying now)... i got up to almost 1200 calories 3 or 4 nights in a row. i also had my first "real meal" in almost 3 months... a vegetable/low-fat cheese 333 calorie egg-beaters omelet at sil.ver din.er with my friend rachel & her family. i'm really glad i made such a healthy choice but, of course, i'm really not "supposed to" get off the plan. but this is REAL LIFE and i'm only on the plan for 5 more weeks and then i'll have to eat a healthy dinner every night. anyway.... i was back on track (nice rhyme, huh?) yesterday - well, except for the 1 extra yogurt. i'm definitely going to GW this week - hopefully tomorrow - but i may skip the weigh-in b/c it'll just depress me AND i'm ridiculously bloated right now (thanks again to "aunt flo"). i also have mind-blowing cramps which i really hope subsides SOON since it promises to be a busy day at work...and it hurts to move right now. =( at least i'm not nauseus (yet?) like last month.

i did go into GW this past thursday - can't remember the total lost - but it is recorded on the side where i keep track of my weight loss. i do know my total was 55.4 - or it was, at least! i feel like it's slowed down a bit - the weight loss rate - but i'm thankful for every pound lost. i need to - no, i WILL - start walking and/or going to the gym!!! met with dr. F.... he said i am still anemic but definitely not as bad as i had been.

better get ready for work. i probably should've blogged this weekend when i was overeating (well, for this program, at least) to gauge my emotions at that time. it really was hunger (pms-related, for the most part), though. however, i have been feeling very GUILTY for not spending more time with my precious little love, A. also, S and i have not been getting along and i've been feeling some annoyance/anger toward him as a result. so i'm sure that had something to do with it, too. ANYWAY - here's hoping for a calmer, more peaceful week. speaking of which, my mom should be coming home from China tonight, G-d willing. can't wait to see her. i've missed her so much!!!

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