Thursday, September 23, 2010

51.4 pounds later....and a sigh of relief

I love before & after photos... they really help motivate me to keep going....
I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief over here... talked to Dr. F today and my liver enzymes(?) are almost back to normal... Thank You, G-d!!! So I can continue on the program and, more importantly, I'm okay (hopefully -- knock on wood)!
I'm getting lots of nice compliments these days. Two co-workers this week told me that I'm looking"fantastic"... so sweet. Some days I really feel great and other moments... still huge... guess that's all part of this fun "game". Regardless, I am so very very very thankful that I've found such a wonderful program and that I've been able to control my eating for the first time in a very long, long time. The fat suit is slowly peeling off of me... and I'm beginning to emerge again.... cheezy but so true.


  1. Looking good girl!! I love the before and after photos, too! :)

  2. Congratulations! 50 pounds is an awesome accomplishment. You are doing great!
