Sunday, September 19, 2010

weekly update

Another week has passed and, overall, the week has been fairly easy for me, in terms of the program. I'm (finally) feeling adjusted to being back to work so that has definitely helped. I haven't been really craving food or wanting to binge either which is always a relief.

I lost 1.2 pounds this week -- not a huge amount -- but I went in on Thursday night so it hadn't been a full week plus it was nighttime (I got weighed before on a Saturday). The 2 classes/groups were great. I just love being there so much, wish I could go 3 times a week. It is so motivating and helpful.

I'm only .4 (less than half a pound) away from 50 pounds which is about halfway to my goal. Hopefully I'll get there by Thursday.


  1. That's GREAT!!! I have been low carbing for almost a month and even though, it's not a plan I want to follow forever, it does seem to be working for me. We all have to figure out what works, don't we?

  2. Congrats on the loss girl! I've found that I'm 3 lbs heavier at night than I am first thing in the morning, so I always do morning weigh-ins...Just a tip! Can't wait to celebrate your 50 lb. loss mark!! :)
