Thursday, February 24, 2011


really quick post since i don't want to be late to work again... for some reason i have the most motivation to blog in the morning before work when i have literally 2 minutes to do so. anyway, i am plateau-ing for the first time since i began this"adventure" back in july. this is completely of my doing. long story short, i am eating waaaay more calories than i "should" if i were to lose weight. i'm technically still on plan A, which is bars/shakes/yogurts (with carrots & pickles thrown in for good measure:)) but instead of eating 4 servings of each a day, i'm eating 6-8(?) - i usually stop counting after 4! WHY is the big question. not exactly sure of the "answer" but here are some possibilities -

a. hunger - real hunger, not emotional (usually). my typical day begins at 6:30 and ends at 12:30 (or later - gulp) and when you're only eating bars/yogurts, you get HUNGRY every 2-3 hours. of course going to bed earlier would help with this. what doesn't help is that A hasn't been falling asleep until 11 (he's in bed by 10) and wants me with him until he's asleep. since he naps at school he literally can't fall asleep earlier. it kinda sucks. plus, when i'm tired (which is usually all day until i can nap), i tend to feel very hungry (which i read is biologically correct - if you don't get enough sleep, your hunger hormones (cortisol???) is"off".

b. boredom/stress/etc. - definite emotional hunger here. not to the extent where i'm craving junk or binging or anything like that - just craving food. i've been chewing A LOT of gum this month!

c. Dr. P's theory - the GW guru's theory that once you get to a weight that you're more satisfied with, you don't feel the desperation to "diet" as much (don't quote me here on this)... your motivation goes down as your weight goes down or something like that. makes total sense and i know that's what's happening here since this "plateau" started once i hit 100 pounds lost.

d. the "fear of success"/fat dependency, etc. - i don't think this is happening too much with me but it's a possibility as i'm getting smaller.

i would love to start working out but it's hard finding the time! unfortunately i can't go to GW tonight as i'm swamped getting the house ready for my in-laws visit tomorrow (yikes!). thanks for letting me"share" this morning, blog readers. all right, now i'm in a mad rush for work. happy thursday, everyone!!! ;)

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